Good For Community. Good For The Earth. Good For You…

When is it time?
December 7, 2009, 7:48 pm
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I have been looking into mentoring programs. Which got me wondering at what point do you look at a situation and think “I could really use some guidance”?

In fact until I did some reading that 71% of Fortune 500 companies use mentoring programs – that is a huge number – I have often sort of pushed the thought of a mentor to the side. I mean I know everything I need to…right?! I mean I grew up on a farm I possibly could not need to know much more than I already do.  Then a sort of calm reality hits. I know a lot about nothing!!

Ok not nothing. A lot of the things I know about are very valuable. But being a part of has really taught me some amazing things about business that I had no clue about before. I now look at things more with a business mind than I ever had.  Even after being in this company for as long as I have, I can now look and see that a mentor in certain areas would be so beneficial. Especially in an area like finances.

It was rather humbling to realize I did not have all the answers and that there just might be someone out there who knows more than I do 🙂 But coming to that realization gave me a sense of relief, just acknowledging that it is something I want and need.

Do you have mentor? In what areas do you think you would benefit from one?